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Lyrics to Cannonball from the album "Last Splash" by the Breeders
Courtesy of Vooman Enterprises.

Ahooh, Ahooh, Ahooh, Ahooh, Ahooh, Ahooh
Spitting in a wishing well Blown to hell...crash! I'm the last splash.
I know you, little libertine I know you're a real koo koo(Hey now, hey
now, hey now, etc.) Want you Koo Koo Cannonball, Want you Koo Koo
Cannonball. In the shade, in the shade in the shade, in the shade I
know you, little libertine I know you're a cannonball. I'll be your
whatever you want. The bong in this Reggae Song(Hey now, hey now, hey
now, etc.) Want you Koo Koo Cannonball, Want you Koo Koo Cannonball.
In the shade, in the shade in the shade, in the shade Spitting in a
wishing well Blown to hell...crash! I'm the last splash. I'll be your
whatever you want. The bong in this Reggae Song(Hey now, hey now, hey
now, etc.) Want you Koo Koo Cannonball, Want you Koo Koo Cannonball.
In the shade, in the shade in the shade, in the shade.

Lyrics taken directly from album cover

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